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secured storage and exchange
Secured storage and exchange of assets and documents
If you want to share confidential documents or valuable items with coworkers, it's important to do this secured and with a complete audit trail. When employees work at different days or locations, smart lockers are the solution. Create your free account now and get started today!

Proud of our partners and clients

Create a safe place to store and exchange assets and documents
24/7 secured storage and exchange, recipients are automatically notified
Recipients are automatically notified and can collect the items 24/7.

Full audit trail of the registered documents.

No more assets and documents laying around unsupervised.
Provide extra service to your employees
Your employees can exchange documents or other assets easily and safely. Make work easier by offering an easy and safe option to exchange assets between colleagues, even when they are not at the office at the same time. Optionally, employees can use this for personal items too.

Want to see how Parzelo can make your document
exchange more secure?
We are happy to advise you and provide you with more information in a 15 minute demo!
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